Morgan’s Estates - Yorkshire

Bedale Bollards

How We Transformed Bedale’s Main Street

Bedale is a charming market town in North Yorkshire, with a rich history and a vibrant community. But for a long me, one of its main streets was plagued by a problem: parked cars.

The cars were blocking the view of the beau<ful buildings, crea<ng a clu@ered and unwelcoming impression for visitors and residents alike. They were also causing traffic conges<on and safety issues.

Before Morgan's Estates did anywork

We decided to do something about it.

We worked closely with Bedale Town Council and North Yorkshire Council to come up with a solution that would enhance the street’s appearance, improve the flow of traffic, and preserve the town’s character.

We proposed to install bollards along the street, creating a pedestrian-friendly zone that would deter parking and encourage walking. The bollards would be removable, allowing access for emergency vehicles and special events.

We presented our design ideas to the public, and received overwhelming support. We then obtained the necessary permissions and funding, and implemented the project in a timely and efficient manner.

Morgan's Estates proposed this design for the area

The result?

A stunning transformation that has revitalised Bedale’s main street

After work was completed on site

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